Most meters are read remotely by Vaanster, meaning the meter readings are collected digitally. However, there are times when you, as a resident, will be asked to provide a meter reading. For example, when you move into a home with a Vaanster energy system or when you move out of a home with a Vaanster energy system. In these cases, you will need to provide the meter reading for the date of the move and/or key handover.

Digital Meter Reading

During a move, we always ask you to manually read and provide the current meter reading. For other periods, if Vaanster reads the meter, you do not need to provide the meter reading to Vaanster. The meter reading will be published on 'My Vaanster', which takes about two months. You can also manually read and enter the meter reading in 'My Vaanster' if you prefer.

If Vaanster is unable to read your energy meter, an estimate of your meter reading will be made. This might happen if, for example, the Wi-Fi was temporarily unavailable at the time of reading.

Manual Meter Reading

If the meter reading is not collected digitally, it will be recorded manually. This means that the meter reading is taken from the energy meter and must be reported to Vaanster via 'My Vaanster'.