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Can I find information about the equipment in my home somewhere?

Yes, you can. We have all the information about your home available on the website. If you know the project name, you can enter it directly at the top right of the website. This will take you to the project page, and if you click on "information for residents," you will find various information and videos about your home.

You can also go to your home by entering the postcode on the homepage.

We really recommend taking the time to go through all the information you find there and watch the videos. This way, you'll learn more about the system, what to do in case of a malfunction, and what else you can expect from us. Doesn't that sound convenient?

We explicitly recommend that you go through all the information you find there and watch the videos. This way you will know more about the energy system, what you can do in case of a malfunction and what else you can expect from us. That's nice, isn't it?