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Rotterdam, Salix / Teldersweg

  • Status Delivered
  • System typeEQw
  • Number of residences74

Congratulations on your new home. 
Here you will find specific information on Salix in Rotterdam.

Vaanster wishes you lots of living pleasure!

EQw Sustainable Energy System

Construction of the Salix apartment complex in Schiebroek, Municipality of Rotterdam, started in autumn 2021. All 60 flats as well as the 16 ground-level houses will be provided with heat, cold and tap water heating by the sustainable EQw installation that Vaanster will develop. A total of 13 different housing types will be available. 

Teldersweg was previously home to two schools and a church. Those buildings stood empty for years and have now all been demolished. A special glass and concrete artwork that hung in the Vredevorstkerk has been saved from demolition and a new use is being sought.  
Construction of the apartment complex and ground-level houses start in October 2021. The homes are expected to be completed in late 2022/early 2023. Vaanster will operate the EQw plant for a period of 30 years.

In partnership with: 

Developer: Accresco Real Estate  

Advisor: KVMC

Contractor: Van Wijnen Dordrecht 

Architectural firm: De Zwarte Hond

Would you like to know more about one of the sustainable energy systems for your project? We would be happy to get in touch with you to discuss it together.

Property boundary

The ownership boundary indicates which parts Vaanster operates, maintains and, if necessary, replaces. The other components are owned by the homeowner, who is therefore also responsible for maintenance and possible replacement. For owner-occupied houses, you are the owner of the house yourself. For rented houses, the landlord is the owner of the house.

The image is a schematic representation of the installation in your home. The components in your home may be positioned differently.

Do you have any questions? Check the 'Frequently asked questions' on this website.

Storing in je binneninstallatie

  • Heb je op één tappunt geen warm water en op de andere tappunten wel normaal warm water?
  • Wordt een deel van je woning niet warm of gekoeld?
  • Word je hele woning niet warm, maar de buren hebben wel gewoon warmte levering?
  • Word je hele woning niet gekoeld, maar de buren hebben wel gewoon koude levering?

Dan is er een probleem met de binneninstallatie. Deze is geen eigendom van Vaanster en wij kunnen je daar helaas niet bij helpen. Dit valt onder de dienstverlening van jouw verhuurder. Neem daarom met hen contact op om de storing aan te geven.

Welke storingen kun je bij Vaanster aanmelden?

  • Heb je op alle tappunten geen warm water?
  • Hebben jij én je buren op alle tappunten geen warm water?
  • Hebben jij én je buren geen warmte/koude levering ?
  • Heb je lekkage aan je afleverset?

Bel dan direct naar het storingsnummer van Vaanster (085-7602992). Als je buren dezelfde storing ervaren, dan vragen we je om dit aan te geven. Dan kunnen we direct de juiste servicepartij aansturen om de storing op centraal niveau te verhelpen. 

Bij een centrale storing ondervinden jouw buren ook problemen. Er komt dan geen monteur in jouw woning om de storing te verhelpen en de door ons aangestuurde service partij kan geen storingen in jouw woning oplossen.
Bij een storing alleen op jouw adres komt er wel een monteur bij jou thuis. Dit is een monteur van een andere service partij dan bij een centrale storing. Vraag het daarom altijd even na bij de buren alvorens je de storing doorbelt aan Vaanster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Malfunction in heat supply

There is a malfunction in the heat supply. This is inconvenient, and you naturally want it resolved as soon as possible.

Who is responsible for the system in my home?

The answer to this question varies depending on the project and is indicated by means of a property boundary. You can look this up by entering the postcode on the homepage. Go to www.vaanster.nl and enter the postcode and house number at the top. You will then be redirected to the webpage corresponding to the entered postcode. There, you will find an image depicting the property boundary of all equipment in the home.

Disturbance in delivery of cold

You suspect a fault in the supply of cold. That is annoying and, of course, you want it resolved as quickly as possible.

Can I adjust my advance payment amount myself?

Yes, you can. In your personal account, you can adjust your advance payment amount under the section "my invoices." However, this adjustment is within a certain range because the advance payment amount must be sufficient to cover the fixed costs.

Click here to go to your personal account and log in to update the details. Click on "create account" if you are visiting the page for the first time.

Malfunction in the hot water supply

It is annoying when hot water does not come out of the tap. It is important to determine:

  • Whether there is reduced hot water or no hot water at all.
  • Whether there is no hot water coming from any faucet (also called tapping point) in the house or whether there is a single faucet from which there is no hot water.